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Ormdantic Usage

Create SQLAlchemy engine

Ormdantic uses SQLAlchemy under hood to run different queries, which is why we need to initialize by creating an asynchronous engine.

Note: You will use the connection parameter to pass the connection to the engine directly.

from ormdantic import Ormdantic

connection = "sqlite+aiosqlite:///db.sqlite3"

database = Ormdantic(connection)

Note: You can use any asynchronous engine, check out the documentation for more information.

Create a table

To create tables decorate a pydantic model with the database.table decorator, passing the database information ex. Primary key, foreign keys, Indexes, back_references, unique_constraints etc. to the decorator call.

Table Restrictions

  • Tables must have a single column primary key.
  • The primary key column must be the first column.
  • Relationships must union-type the foreign model and that models primary key.
from uuid import uuid4
from pydantic import BaseModel, Field

@database.table(pk="id", indexed=["name"])
class Flavor(BaseModel):
     """A coffee flavor."""

     id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
     name: str = Field(max_length=63)


Now after we create the table, we can initialize the database with the table and then run different queries.


  • Register models as ORM models and initialize the database.

We use database.init will Populate relations information and create the tables.

async def demo() -> None:
    async def _init() -> None:
        async with db._engine.begin() as conn:
            await db.init()
            await conn.run_sync(db._metadata.drop_all)
            await conn.run_sync(db._metadata.create_all)
    await _init()


Now let's imagine we have another table called Coffee that has a foreign key to Flavor.

class Coffee(BaseModel):
     """Drink it in the morning."""

     id: UUID = Field(default_factory=uuid4)
     sweetener: str | None = Field(max_length=63)
     sweetener_count: int | None = None
     flavor: Flavor | UUID

After we create the table, we can insert data into the table, using the database.insert method, is away we insert a Model Instance.

# Create a Flavor called "Vanilla"
vanilla = Flavor(name="Vanilla")

# Insert the Flavor into the database
await database[Flavor].insert(vanilla)

# Create a Coffee with the Vanilla Flavor
coffee = Coffee(sweetener="Sugar", sweetener_count=1, flavor=vanilla)

# Insert the Coffee into the database
await database[Coffee].insert(coffee)

Searching Queries

As we know, in SQL, we can search for data using different methods, ex. WHERE, LIKE, IN, BETWEEN, etc.

In Ormdantic, we can search for data using the database.find_one or database.find_many methods.


  • Find_one used to find a Model instance by Primary Key, its could also find with depth parameter.
     # Find one
     vanilla = await database[Flavor].find_one(

     # Find one with depth.
     find_coffee = await database[Coffee].find_one(, depth=1)


  • Find_many used to find Model instances by some condition ex. where, order_by, order, limit, offset, depth.
     # Find many
     await database[Flavor].find_many()

     # Get paginated results.
     await database[Flavor].find_many(
          where={"name": "vanilla"}, order_by=["id", "name"], limit=2, offset=2

Update / Upsert Queries


The modification of data that is already in the database is referred to as updating. You can update individual rows, all the rows in a table, or a subset of all rows. Each column can be updated separately; the other columns are not affected.

     # Update a Flavor = "caramel"
     await database[Flavor].update(flavor)

The Upsert method is similar to the Synchronize method with one exception; the Upsert method does not delete any records. The Upsert method will result in insert or update operations. If the record exists, it will be updated. If the record does not exist, it will be inserted.

     # Upsert a Flavor = "mocha"
     await database[Flavor].upsert(flavor)


The DELETE statement is used to delete existing records in a table.

     # Delete a Flavor
     await database[Flavor].delete(


To count the number of rows of a table or in a result set you can use the count function.

     # Count
     count = await database[Flavor].count()
  • It's support also Where and Depth
     count_advanced = await database[Coffee].count(
          where={"sweetener": 2}, depth=1